Advanced usage

Multi project managment

    '<NAME1>': Project(
            'outdir': '<DIRNAME>',
            'part': '<PARTNAME>'
            'paths': [
            'vhdl': [
                ['<FILENAME1>', '<LIBRARYNAME1>'],
            'verilog': [
            'constraint': [
            'params': {
                '<PARAMNAME1>': '<VALUE1>',
                '<PARAMNAMEn>': '<VALUEn>'
            'top': '<TOPNAME>'
    '<NAME2>': Project(


The following table depicts the parts of the Project Creation and the Design Flow internally performed by PyFPGA.

Project Creation

Design Flow

Part specification

preflow hook

prefile hook


Files addition

postsyn hook

Top specification


Parameters specification

postimp hook

project hook

Bitstream generation

postbit hook

If the provided API if not enough or suitable for your project, you can specify additional hooks in different parts of the flow, using:

prj.add_hook(hook, phase)


  • Valid vaues for phase are prefile, project (default), preflow, postsyn, postimp and postbit.

  • The hook string must be a valid command (supported by the used tool).

  • If more than one hook is needed in the same phase, you can call this method several times (the commands will be executed in order).


The generics/parameters of the project can be optionally changed with:

prj.set_param('param1', value1)
prj.set_param('paramN', valueN)

Generate options

The method generate (previously seen at the end of [Basic usage](#basic-usage) section) has optional parameters:

prj.generate(to_task, from_task, capture)

With to_task and from_taks (with default values bit and prj), you are selecting the first and last task to execute when generate is invoqued. The order and available tasks are prj, syn, imp and bit. It can be useful in at least two cases:

  • Maybe you created a file project with the GUI of the Tool and only want to run the Design Flow, so you can use: generate(to_task='bit', from_task='syn')

  • Despite that a method to insert particular commands is provided, you would want to perform some processing from Python between tasks, using something like:

prj.generate(to_task='syn', from_task='prj')
#Some other Python commands here
prj.generate(to_task='bit', from_task='syn')

In case of capture, it is useful to catch execution messages to be post-processed or saved to a file:

result = prj.generate(capture=True)

In case of capture, it is useful to catch execution messages to be post-processed or saved to a file.


Finally, you must run the bitstream generation or its transfer. Both of them are time-consuming tasks, performed by a backend tool, which could fail. Exceptions are raised in such cases, that should be ideally caught to avoid abnormal program termination.

except Exception as e:
    print('{} ({})'.format(type(e).__name__, e))

And wait for the backend Tool to accomplish its task.